Devastator Set

The set was announced in a press release from GE Fabbri Ltd. on 28 July 2008 and launched in September 2008 with a special magazine issue that included four packs of cards. Additional packs were also available to purchase separately.The Devastator series consisted of 250 cards, numbered 826-1075, featuring characters from Time Crash-Journey's End. They were split into the following categories:209 (C) Common cards (8 in every pack)25 (R) Rare cards (1 in every pack)10 (SR) Super-Rare cards (1 in every 6 packs)6 (UR) Ultra-Rare cards (1 in every 24 packs)1 Golden Ticket card (1 in every 1000 packs)Devastator card packs supplied with magazines differed from those you could buy in newsagents, normally they were 12 card variations, most magazines towards the end of the series however contained a 9 card Devastator pack and a 9 card Ultimate Monsters Pack.

Devastator Card Rundown

The Devastator cards show orange/red rarity symbols and series numbers. As well as the "Devastator" label on the bottom of the card. Shows BBC 2008 on the rear. These cards are predominently based on Series 4 of the series

Devastator Special

The fourth and final special of Doctor Who: Battles in Time was published on 17 September 2008. Claire Lister edited it.The card-mounted special was priced at £4.99 and came with four packs of Devastator trading cardsUnlike the previous specials, the Devastator special was not shown on the Battles in Time website.

Special Bad Wolf Warning

This card was a special card within the Devastator set. The card itself was useless in Battles in Time games because the Bonus Box was filled with the words 'Bad Wolf'. Another feature is that the rarity symbol is just 'BW' rather than 'C' as a common card, and the 'set' was also listed as 'Bad Wolf'.

Nine Card Panoramic

Nine cards from the set, each suffixed "TARDIS Crew", could be arranged side-by-side to create a continuous image of the nine pilots and passengers of the TARDIS in the Series Four finale Journey's End. From left to right they were:

842 Captain Jack
851 Martha Jones
890 Donna Noble
910 Duplicate Doctor
971 Tenth Doctor
1005 Rose Tyler
1035 Mickey Smith
1049 Jackie Tyler
1070 Sarah Jane Smith

Devastator Card Ticklist!